One of Your Favorite Bands From Your Youth Just Put On the Best-Ever Super Bowl Halftime Show

An artist or artists popular when you were in your late teens and early 20s put on the best-ever Super Bowl Halftime Show, according to everybody.

Everyone is in agreement that the bands they listened to in high school and college reached the apex of musical talent and performance. It is indisputable that whatever bands you had on in the car while driving to school are among the best of all time. Since the bands of your youth are so musically talented, it is not surprising that they put on such a good halftime show.

Look-they are singing a truncated version of their most popular hit! Doesn’t that bring you back to a time when life’s possibilities seemed endless, and every day brought a new discovery? They are able to do this since they are such good musicians, of course.

Some people older and younger than you might claim that the music of THEIR teens and early 20s put on the best Super Bowl Haftime show. This is clearly not the case.

The musicians of your elders are washed up has-beens. They are only performing at halftime because they were the last band some old network executive saw live in concert before he had kids and stopped checking out new music. Look at how they can’t even put on an entertaining show any more!

The musicians who got popular after you turned 27 are flash-in-the-pan artists whose works will not stand the test of time .They are only performing at halftime because some old network executive asked his children who was trending in music in an attempt to still be hip and cool. Their antics on stage are purely for shock value and attention.

Now that this has been made clear, let us all depart to social media to make these INDISPUTABLE FACTS known.

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